I picked Built by Wendy's #2865 and paired it with this matte jersey I picked up a few weeks ago from P&S fabrics.

Its a really cute black and white zebra patterned seashell print. Its a little odd, but in a very good way. (... if you look at it really hard, it almost looks like actual zebra's with their heads curled into their necks... doesn't it?)

I picked view C's hip-length tank top paired with view B's sailor's collar detail...

Still feeling the effects, I was up at 8am this morning cutting and sewing it together.

This was my first knit pattern and I have some fine tuning to do with learning start-to-finish garment construction with a serger. But I think I did pretty good for the first go round.

I still have to finish the hem... I tuckered out around 3 and decided to take a break before finishing this one and starting up on McCall's 5388 (... also cut out last night...ha!)
HAHAHAH follow the mojo! Very cute!
Well, one thing about it, I think your first knit project turned out fabulous. I love that top, had never really noticed it. Nice job.
That top is hotness! I can see the zebras with heads tucked, and I can also see black-and-white peppermints. You will love wearing this one!
Thanks for the kind words ladies! I'm just still trying to play catch up with ya'll!!
I'm in love! I need this pattern, LOL!
How's the armscye? It looks low. Hope your bra strap doesn't show (please say no, please!)
Hi La..
The arms and the back alone have the effect of a racerback T-Shirt. They really don't show you that effect in the pattern cover. I actually wore it this past Sunday afternoon (braless). The straps diffidently would have shown.
The depth of the armseye could be a combination of the size I cut out, (20) which was a little big,, and my still needing to finesse my knits sewing (the armseye and the neckline are a bit stretched out from my holding the fabric to tightly and my presser foot being too low while I top stitched the binding.)
But, I'm sure a little adjustment could bring the armhole up to be a little more modest. But you'd still need a racerback bra either way.
I see the zebras!
Absolutely cool knit dress and print.
cute1 I don't think I would have given this pattern a second look. BUT, after seeing your finished product, it's a winner. Looks great!
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