AND! AND! AND! A full body dress form!! With a rolling stand!! I decided to spare her the indignity of exposing her (rather tattered) girly-bits all over the interweb. Besides, she isn't exactly my size, so some major rework is going to have to take place before she's up to snuff.
I did do a little recon and I found two Fitting Systems, made especially for dress-forms, at FabulousFit.com. I sent them a message asking for a little clarification on a few points. But, I think their systems will work quite nicely!
OMG what a score!!! Those full body dressforms are a gazillion dollars and you got one for FREE!!! Man the crafy luck is just going around the internet. Congrats!
We had a veritable league of sewing ladies that used to work at our office and they all came back buying roll after roll of fabric. There were almost 'fights' over the industrial sewing machines that were flying out the door for 25$ a piece!!... 5000$ sewing machines (that, granted had been used for every penny they were worth) for 25$!!! I didn't have room, but I wasn't letting that dressform get away from me!!
Wow! You really made out, great for you! I bought the fit system from FabulousFit for my dress form and it's great. I actually use their fitting pieces as well as some quilt batting to get my form pretty close to my shape & size. I'm plus size and needed the extra padding but the contour of the FabulourFit system helped a lot to get the shaping right. ENJOY!
Amazing acquisitions AND nice new blog header and collage!
Thanks Antoinette! It was your tip about Picasa that tipped the scale!
Omega, I'm so glad to read your msg. That was exactly what I was thinking about doing. The form I got is really old... 1984! So even though it's marked as a sz 12, it measures more like today's size 8. I was originally going to use batting and foam and then try to hand make a fitted cover. But I'm hopping that the FF.com fitting system with take care of a lot of that for me. I just need to call and find out if I can use it for a full body form, of if they are only for hip/torso forms.
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