I finally get home, exhausted, from a full day at work and a two hour Spin class. But, I was quickly perked up seeing this leaning against my door...

Then, I opened another goodie package and found this!

My quilting teacher highly recommended
this book. She said it was one of her personal favorites.... I copped it for 4.80$!... It looks brand new!!... Gotta love Half.com!
I'm still waiting for the '
Complete Photo Guide to Sewing' that I got for 11.50$!
Have fun with your new toys/books! LOL
I ordered that table after seeing your post on it.
I was on pattern review where a lady used kitchen cabinets underneath hers for storage.... I found some at lowes in the clearance section so I will be putting them underneath as well.
BTW!!! I am Carla.
Hey Adrienne!
Hey Carla!
Oh, how I wish I had the space to setup something like that!
But the main reason I chose this table is because I can break it down and put it away when not in use.
I'm in serious need of consolidation and organization my sewing stuff.
Now that I have the new table, the next step is cleaning out my junk closet and getting another set of storage containers to put my fabric overflow in.
Sooo much fabric, soo little time...;-)
Hey there! I met a stranger in the grocery store recently that saw me struggling through quilting magazines. She recommended: Quilter's Complete Guide by Fons and Porter.
I had it on my amazon wish list and didn't realize, that out of 48 reviews EVERY PERSON GAVE IT A 5-STAR. Not one quilting book out there as this kind of consecutive 5-star rating--let alone, even the best sewing books.
Jo-Ann's didn't have it, so I'll get it from B&N cause I can get my discount. I'm on your trail with this quilting thing. :-)
Hey JC! I looked up that book at my FAV book site, Half.com, and they have it for as low as 2.63$ for 'very good' copies.
At that price, I'll take your word for it and try it out!
Thanks for the heads up.
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