As I pack up ‘the machine’ and prepare to bid it adieu, I now have the task of finding a replacement ahead of me. Frankly, one of the best feelings about picking the first machine was that I could finally relax and settle into my choice without the hem/haw of “which one do i choose.”
The anxiety, I’m sure many of us remember, of trying to find the ‘right’ machine. Do you go for the basic machine to satisfy your immediate needs? Do you go for the pricier upgrade, thinking that it’s got more bang for the buck? Or, do you go with the tried and true ‘high-end’ brands that cost at least 4 of your 10 fingers, but, everyone is always talking about how they've been sewing on the same machine "since high school."
Originally, I set a budget of 300$. Funny enough, most machines I found ran either 100$ less or 100$ more than my target. I couldn't find a good (meaning ‘well reviewed’) machine that fit my needs and desires at this price range. So, it ended up being a pro vs. con choice… do I go for the budget Kenmore at Sears that runs about 109$ on sale and resign myself to upgrading in a few years…or ... Do I go for the shinny and new Project Runway LE from Brother with 294 stitches (… please say that like the ‘Lotto Guy’)… I mean, the PR LE model IS on flex-pay at HSN… NO! BAD MICA!!...((ahem))
I settled on an in-between model, the aforementioned, Brother CS6000i. It was computerized, which I convinced myself was abso-necessary. It had a speed control switch, up/down needle button and it told me what foot to use… perfect!....
Until…. well… see my last post for ‘…..WWWWHHYYYYYYY?!?’
This time around, I think I’m going to go with my head and just fork over a ‘little’ more money to get one of those “… I got this from my grandma, 20yrs ago…” brands.
I’m lucky enough to work at one of the shrinking number of garment companies in The City that still have a full sewing floor. So after perusing all the industrial sewing machines we have in house, I see the overwhelming number of stations have Juki and Viking machines.
But, I still have to contend with the belief that I NEED a computerized model with all the bells and whistles… I’m going to let the experts guide me this time. I’m going to visit Sew Right Sewing Machines in Queens, NY this Saturday and really listen to their suggestions.
PLUS, they’re matching Janome and Singer prices advertised online – SCORE!
... of course, I'll keep you posted (no pun intended...'-).... and PLEASE if you have any tips or advice or warnings... ppuuhhlleezz fill me in!
5 weeks ago
Good luck with your machine choice. I had to do the same thing not long ago when my machine died.
I hope you find something that makes you smile!
I recently bought a computerized Kenmore and am very pleased with it. I have been told the Kenmore is manufactured by Jenome. Good luck
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