SSsssooooo... I, being me, kept fidgeting with the CS6000i yesterday and finally figured out that, apparently, 'the machine' (... as it shall now be called) no longer likes having the presser foot attached when it's powered on.... oh, really???
I was able to sew up the simpler of the two tops i had prepared yesterday, but since i didn’t get started until about 5pm and ... ahem.... I kind of followed the wrong construction directions and finished the armeyes in the wrong way... ahem... I didn’t quite finish it.
As the title suggests, I don’t have time of ‘sometimey’ machines, so I think I’m going to send this one back, just in case. I just have to decide if I want the same one back or if I want to move on to another model/maker.... decisions, decisions.
AND! My new camera is in the mail as we speak... or as I type and you read... so I should have REAL pictures to post later this week!!.... YEA ME!!
5 weeks ago
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